View Full Version : GHOSTS -- I know I know COMPLETELY off topic

11-12-2010, 07:25 PM
Ok so the other day I was in my art class at the U of M and we all got onto the topic of ghosts :Dark_anim: in our conversation. This led to the discussion of ghost hunting. As many of you may have already gathered from my introduction forum thread, I'm not from here, so I don't know anything about the area. Does anyone know of any haunted places??? I don't care if you've actually been there, just curious what everyone's heard. Were all planning on doing a ghost hunt now! :badidea: And if anyone's interested you can always feel free to join us.:fruit:

11-12-2010, 11:52 PM
HAHA kinda a odd time to go? Halloween and all the tours kinda ended here. There was though a place in St. Paul that was open weekends only 25 max per night. You had to bring your own video camera, ghost hunting equipment & they let you roam this murder house. I'd have to search google again to find it. Was going to go but it was too expensive for all my cheap friends & then for the few that could go we couldn't find a date that work. But that was the only legit one that i knew of. Idk if its open.... kinda just a sept/ oct thing. But idk.

11-13-2010, 01:15 AM
VERY interesting

11-13-2010, 01:08 PM
Forepaughs restaurant in St. Paul, The JJ Hill house on Summit ave. in St. Paul, The Congdon Mansion in Duluth,

hope that helps:balloons::balloons:

11-13-2010, 01:30 PM
Yes indeed it does!!!! Ill have to check out those two in St. Paul. Do you know if you can go in any of them, are they abandoned? I dont want to go investigate and end up ...:behead:

11-13-2010, 01:53 PM
methinks VetteHunter = GhostHunter :)

11-13-2010, 05:57 PM
Nope no abandoned The Hill house does tours and such through out the year. Really cool place the other is an open restaurant, never been there but hear it is pretty nice.

11-13-2010, 08:42 PM
worse case scenario i get some good grub then! lol

11-13-2010, 10:54 PM
Forepaughs restaurant in St. Paul:

worse case scenario i get some good grub then! lol

Be prepared to bring a wad of cash while your at it. LOL Don't get me wrong its a very exquisite while great food but its the sort of place you need to dress up a bit. You can't walk in there with jeans. As for it be haunted: Its kinda a old wives tale.... how do i know? I have an old friend thats a waiter there. He still tries pulling that BS of "ooo when im alone walking....back in the kitchen" i feel something rub up against me. Or a feel a warm tingling. HAHAHAHA I've been there never noticed it. Im told it happens only at certain times and then only in certain parts of the Forepaughs. Hence why i tend to believe its a old wives tale.... yet another reason to draw people in. But hey never the less great place. Had a high school classmate that proposed there a while back. I highly recommend going there at least once. :biggrin:

Here's the background story if you buy into it: "Joseph Forepaugh made his fortune in wholesale dry goods and built his three-story Victorian mansion for his wife and daughters. Their cozy home life turned upside down after his wife discovered him in flagrante delicto with Molly, one of the maids. Grieving over the end of his love affair, Forepaugh shot himself in 1892. Heartbroken (and possibly pregnant), Molly was found hanging from the chandelier in an upstairs bedroom. Both Forepaugh and Molly's ghosts have been spotted walking through the dining rooms, but Molly is the more mischievous. Servers say she pounds on the inside of walls, explodes glasses and wafts her lavender perfume beneath patrons' noses. Halloween is apparently her favorite time of year, when she becomes especially active to both the delight and fright of well-heeled diners."

Yo you wannna go to a wierd place? I got the perfect thing for you!!!
Google this: Grey Cloud Island
> This strange island near Cottage Grove has the highest concentration of Native American burial mounds in the country. It is located in a sparsely populated by a community. Some say they've seen floating orbs of light, others report a translucent ghost motorcyclist riding down the island's undeveloped roads, and still others see a young mother mourning over her deceased infant child.

Expanding upon the list in the twin cities that are quote quote "haunted":
​The Fitzgerald Theater
Gibbs Farmhouse
The Palmer House Hotel
First Ave.
Greyhound Bus Museum
Wabasha Street Caves
The Warden's House
Minneapolis City Hall

11-13-2010, 11:16 PM
thank you so much jason i owe you one:beer:

11-15-2010, 08:07 AM

11-15-2010, 11:14 AM
Haunted,, my house,, is part of the Ames House it was separated in the 60's and this part was redone in the 90's The Ames Family started Malt-o-Meal company, The House favors my room mate, and when she is gone it seems the place gets a little jumpy,, I hear foot steps going up to the second floor, we hear what seems to be whispering in one spot repeatedly, I myself have seen what appears to be a womans shadow in the upstairs hallway when its just been me here. The unattached garage seems to have its quirks its not old but some odd occurrences have taken place. It was said that before it was moved and separated, (the other larger half is about two blocks away) that it was a brothel and a road house, oddly enough the other half still has numbers on the room doors? Its not as Haunted as the Archer House here in Northfield or the old Opera House, The Archer House has a Ghost who seems to inhabit the lower level next to the tavern. Though they seem to down play it and didn't let some Ghost Hunters look there. I don't know if I believe in this but I have witnessed some things that escape logic and I look at this place and its been around for over 120 years and I guess that a lot has probably happened here good and bad and its never hurt us so we just ignore it and so far we have coexisted. I wanted to borrow a FLIR camera from an outfit that I used to do business with that used it for building heat loss signatures but my roomie said NO! And maybe we're better off not knowing? Northfield has its history as you know, maybe Jesse is still wandering around? Charlie Pitts one of the bank Robbers bones are still here on display!

11-15-2010, 11:18 AM
Mike, the Congdon Mansion is creepy from the parking lot!!!!

11-15-2010, 01:32 PM
Haunted,, my house,, is part of the Ames House it was separated in the 60's and this part was redone in the 90's The Ames Family started Malt-o-Meal company, The House favors my room mate, and when she is gone it seems the place gets a little jumpy,, I hear foot steps going up to the second floor, we hear what seems to be whispering in one spot repeatedly, I myself have seen what appears to be a womans shadow in the upstairs hallway when its just been me here. The unattached garage seems to have its quirks its not old but some odd occurrences have taken place. It was said that before it was moved and separated, (the other larger half is about two blocks away) that it was a brothel and a road house, oddly enough the other half still has numbers on the room doors? Its not as Haunted as the Archer House here in Northfield or the old Opera House, The Archer House has a Ghost who seems to inhabit the lower level next to the tavern. Though they seem to down play it and didn't let some Ghost Hunters look there. I don't know if I believe in this but I have witnessed some things that escape logic and I look at this place and its been around for over 120 years and I guess that a lot has probably happened here good and bad and its never hurt us so we just ignore it and so far we have coexisted. I wanted to borrow a FLIR camera from an outfit that I used to do business with that used it for building heat loss signatures but my roomie said NO! And maybe we're better off not knowing? Northfield has its history as you know, maybe Jesse is still wandering around? Charlie Pitts one of the bank Robbers bones are still here on display!

you should totally get that FLIR!!!!!

11-15-2010, 01:43 PM
I thought about buying one till I looked at what they cost!!! The one that Jason and Grant use is about $14,000 smackers!!!

11-15-2010, 02:15 PM
I really loved visiting the Congdon Mansion...not only does it have a creepy murder/ghost history, but the architecture and engineering are pretty amazing given the time period. It's hard to find a favorite room...the gardens are incredible too.

11-15-2010, 03:04 PM
Anoka, MN has a tour in the fall around Halloween time.


Stories abound in Anoka of odd happenings and eerie encounters. There is a house where the rocking chair rocks with no one sitting in it. A business in town has employees who won’t enter parts of the building because of the woman seen only in a mirror. There are doors that lock themselves, displays that change on their own, cold drafts…..might they all speak of things unexplained?

As a bonus, there are some good bars and good food in downtown Anoka.


11-15-2010, 03:16 PM
Marie, I couldn't believe the plumbing in the Congdon mansion,, I wish I had that stuff in my house, Old Chester had showers that Kohler wouldn't invent for another 80 years!

11-15-2010, 03:20 PM
Marie,, would you spend a night in the Congdon all by your lonesome???? (I don't think I would spend a night in the carriage house either!)

11-15-2010, 03:46 PM
Marie,, would you spend a night in the Congdon all by your lonesome???? (I don't think I would spend a night in the carriage house either!)

HAHA next club event? MAYBEE..... LMAFO

"A get-to-gether for a ghost hunt" :fruit:

11-15-2010, 03:49 PM
ok ok,, great ghost story here as related by my late father,, My Dad was a Scuba Diving Instructor (PADI) taught it for years on the side at St. Olaf and Carleton Colleges he did it for shits and giggles never made any money at it and he enjoyed the kids he taught. Anyway he took some of the Ole's on a trip up to the Emperor which sunk off Isle Royal and sits in about 30 - 180ft of Cold Superior water and they were inside nosing around and my dad was in a corridor and his dive buddy was behind him we she came flying out of a room they were just in and was trying her damndest to get by him and out, fortunately he got a hold of her and got her to look at him and she seemed to come to her senses. He got her topside and he wanted to know what the hell she thought she was doing and she told him after he had left the area she turned and saw a guy (assuming Sailor) pointing at her! She freaked at that point and tried to make a bee line for the top, they were near the bow as I recall and still to deep for that. Dad figured she had narced a bit (Narcosis) and she didn't dive anymore that weekend. Later when he was telling what happened to some Lake Superior Divers they laughed and told him she wasn't the only person to see an apparition in that wreck!! Ya just never know where Ghosts might be!!

11-15-2010, 08:47 PM
Marie,, would you spend a night in the Congdon all by your lonesome???? (I don't think I would spend a night in the carriage house either!)

Mayyybe....I'm the adventurous sort. :)

11-15-2010, 08:49 PM
Marie, I couldn't believe the plumbing in the Congdon mansion,, I wish I had that stuff in my house, Old Chester had showers that Kohler wouldn't invent for another 80 years!

Ya.... and the stained glass throughout the house...but the breakfast room...that would be a nice place to munch on a peanut butter toasted english muffin. :)

11-16-2010, 07:58 AM
I thought about buying one till I looked at what they cost!!! The one that Jason and Grant use is about $14,000 smackers!!!


11-16-2010, 07:59 AM
HAHA next club event? MAYBEE..... LMAFO

"A get-to-gether for a ghost hunt" :fruit:
