View Full Version : primer

12-06-2010, 07:07 PM
ok so in the spring im going to get the body work done on the car,mainly the rear 1/4 panal and bumpers and wetsand the flat blk primer and add another coat of primer and wetsand it again, so its nice and smooth and ready for the paint shop. but im trying to think what color to go.
keep it flat black,go semi gloss black , grey , or flt white primer.
these cars look darn good in white, so i thought i'd ask my friends what ya'll think i should do.

12-06-2010, 08:56 PM
What is the final color going to be? That will dictate what color primer you should be considering. If you're going to paint your car black, then you're not going to want to use a white primer. You could, but why?

12-06-2010, 09:43 PM
I am not a fan of the flat anything look... uh... well you get the point.

12-06-2010, 10:44 PM
sonic blue is the final color, rod would you be in favor of a semi gloss?

12-07-2010, 07:51 AM
sonic blue is the final color, rod would you be in favor of a semi gloss?

Don't base it on my likes, base it on your likes.

But, since you asked.... :smooth:

IMO cars should be polished up and shiney.
I don't care for the petina (or however it is spelled... the distressed, aged and worn look) look either.
But that's just me.

I was brought up by a parent who would wash and wax a car in the driveway in the dead of winter (not anymore, but he used to).
Then spend the remainder of the weekend melting and chipping ice off the driveway.
So, "crazy" is not out of the question.

Bottom line, do what YOU like.

12-07-2010, 09:22 AM
lol, my wifes grampa was that way. i like opinions , thats why i ask.

but ya, since it'll be atleast one more year till final paint i figure might as well perfect the primer lol.

12-07-2010, 11:36 AM
Voted to keep it flat black. Imo only I think your best bet is to go with the best quality primer and screw what the color is. Because it's not the end result. It's going to be painted over anyways. Quality is always better, than looks imo. I've helped a few people prime and paint and they have always used flat black or grey. The shiny gloss just seems pointless to me (no offense). It's not going to matter i don't think, will it doing a gloss primer? Im not sure why you'd what to shine primer paint? Then again i don't have alot of experience in the department so idk (open to learn though if there is benefits to doing it.) Black color is harder to clean then white is but i think white is just too plain looking. But like Rod said Nick, do you thing man. Whatever makes you happy. Will be good.

12-12-2010, 11:26 PM
i voted white because if your final color will be sonic blue, you dont want black primer... it will detract from the color

12-14-2010, 12:43 AM
Nick are you painting it sb yourself? And if you don't mind me asking how much does s.b. paint run these days?

12-14-2010, 11:00 AM
sonicx, i wish i could but, i really want this girl to look her best, so most of that work will be done at body shops, im going to do it in stages, get the bumpers fixed and rear 1/4 panel done, and get all the jams done and then hopefully the body after that, got another project that ill be investing alot of money and time into ,so ill just slowly get her painted. but ya, white seems like a fun color, i gota hit up a few shops and talk with them

12-14-2010, 12:28 PM
sonicx, i wish i could but, i really want this girl to look her best, so most of that work will be done at body shops, im going to do it in stages, get the bumpers fixed and rear 1/4 panel done, and get all the jams done and then hopefully the body after that, got another project that ill be investing alot of money and time into ,so ill just slowly get her painted. but ya, white seems like a fun color, i gota hit up a few shops and talk with them

I've helped paint show tractors and done car touch-ups before so I understand not wanting to paint on something really important as ur car. It def is an art to paint..... So is getting a mustang the other project? I knew you mentioned something awhile ago :) :)

12-14-2010, 02:03 PM
well, im about a year away from a mustang , but it has to do with that future car lol