View Full Version : New transfer from tcstangs...

12-31-2010, 03:38 AM
My name is Jim and I have a '07 Mustang convertible, Vista Blue (took me a long time to come up with my userid!), V6 with the Pony Package. I've had the car for almost 4 years now (15,xxx miles) and I'm slowly making it my own. Everything so far has been cosmetic, I haven't been bitten by the need for speed bug yet- I've been pretty good about wearing speedbug repellent when going out to car shows, but I have a feeling that if I'm surrounded by you guys long enough I will be infected. I started with the webelectric sequential turn signals, then Agent 47 mirrors, GT painted rocker panels, 18" bullitts with Goodyear Eagle F1 Supercars (255/45r18s & 285/40r18s -thanks again tirenick!!!), and just recently put a set of Midwest Gear radiator extension covers. Next on the to-do list is exhaust. I'm seeking advice on what to do, so feel free to chime in!

I've always enjoyed cars and especially Mustangs! My Grandfather ('65 vert), mother ('69 vert), aunt ('84?), and uncle ('68 coupe) had Mustangs, so it was only natural that I would have one. I've been on tcstangs for a few years (mostly lurking in the shadows) and was encouraged to become a member on here by allwhite99. I'm also on themustangsource forum.

I'm interested in meeting new people, increasing my knowledge about Mustangs, and finding new places to go in my car. I absolutely love going for cruises! I've been to the Tenvoorde Ford Mustang Run the past three years, last year was my first time going to the Winona Ford Mustang Run, and I've been at the Car Craft Summer Nationals the past three years. I am tentatively planning on going on the Hot Rod Power Tour this summer and would like to find some people to go with, so let me know if you're going and wouldn't mind me tagging along.

I'm looking forward to meeting some great people, see some interesting cars, and having a great time with all of you guys! Thanks for looking and I'll have to get a few pictures up when I can.

12-31-2010, 09:27 AM
welcome to the club! we're not AS rude as tcs lol. you'll have lots of fun. we go on lots of cruises for sure. pics???

12-31-2010, 10:38 AM
Welcome and thanks for signing on the forums! Join us at our meeting at Apple Valley Ford on January 15th at 3pm and please post pictures of your beautiful car!


12-31-2010, 10:51 AM
Welcome Jim. :)

12-31-2010, 11:39 AM

12-31-2010, 12:28 PM
Hi there! Always nice to have another VISTA BLUE in the bunch!
I was also at Tenvoorde and the Winona cruises last year...gotta love the cruises! Welcome...and yes... pics, we need pics! :D

12-31-2010, 01:13 PM
Welcome - Hope you find that we are a fun and interesting group of Mustang Enthusiasts who are always looking out for each other when it comes to "modding" our rides. :banana::banana:

12-31-2010, 03:23 PM
Welcome...I was at the Winona cruise this year...Thats my Yellow convertible in the front row and i'm the one in the yellow shirt..I don't have the convertible anymore:(,I traded it in on a 03 Roush..So I hope to bring that for the cruise next year...
http://i1187.photobucket.com/albums/z397/Bad380R/stuff/35203_131992660169655_123177427717845_141132_23755 75_n.jpg

12-31-2010, 03:29 PM
As a matter of fact I was just looking at some pics and I think I might have been behind you on the cruise..Do you have a fireman insignia on your plate?

01-01-2011, 12:13 AM
Bad380R, yes that was me with the firefighter plates. Actually, you might be able to see the driver side front fender of my car in your picture (top right corner).

Dan, I am planning on coming to the meeting in a few weeks. My computer is out of commission at the moment so I can't upload pictures at the moment.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone and Happy New Year!

01-01-2011, 03:11 AM
Bad380R, yes that was me with the firefighter plates. Actually, you might be able to see the driver side front fender of my car in your picture (top right corner).

Dan, I am planning on coming to the meeting in a few weeks. My computer is out of commission at the moment so I can't upload pictures at the moment.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone and Happy New Year!

I'll post a pick of your car on the cruise if I have your permission...The pic shows your plate so I don't want to post it without your ok....

01-01-2011, 12:06 PM
Troy, you can post the picture as long as I wasn't doing anything questionable.;)

01-01-2011, 01:11 PM
we love questionable stuff lol. speaking of whice, if you search flood run pics the ones from me half of them my wife was hanging out the sunroof lol...

01-01-2011, 03:42 PM
LOL...I actually found a couple with your car in...And you were in front of me for the cruise...wish the weather would have cooperated,but was still fun..

01-01-2011, 04:01 PM
Sharp vert! Welcome.

01-01-2011, 04:09 PM
Welcome to the club! Look forward to meeting you at our meeting on the 15th :)

01-01-2011, 04:46 PM
Nice car! I used to have a Pony Package Mustang until a deer convinced me that I needed a different car. It was Windveil Blue and a coupe, though.

And, welcome to a fellow firefighter! Volunteer or career?

01-01-2011, 06:42 PM
Welcome to the Club Jim.

First if i were you please convert your v6 to dual exhaust.
Then the Best package system i think are magnaflows.
Please visit: www.completeexhaust.com
or visit the website and call John direct (phone number is listed). He'll get you hooked up with 40% off retail price of all magnaflow products. Trust me.... you will not find anything remotely close in service and in price.

01-01-2011, 07:18 PM
Welcome to the Club Jim.

First if i were you please convert your v6 to dual exhaust.
Then the Best package system i think are magnaflows.
Please visit: www.completeexhaust.com
or visit the website and call John direct (phone number is listed). He'll get you hooked up with 40% off retail price of all magnaflow products. Trust me.... you will not find anything remotely close in service and in price.

sounding a little spammy...just saying lol

01-02-2011, 01:57 AM
Troy, thanks for posting the pictures! That was definitely a memorable trip!

p51mstg, I'm a paid-on-call, but hope to become a career firefighter. How about you?
Sonicx, exhaust is next on my to-do list. Thanks for the recommendation.

01-02-2011, 05:50 AM
sounding a little spammy...just saying lol

Well the definition of spammy is, "Having the qualities/likeness of spam." I don't see how recommending someone to a good website which has great deals is "spammy". You have a scewed definition of what the word means. Im just trying to help a fellow member save some cash because there's some great deals on the website. I am recieving nothing for doing so either.

01-02-2011, 09:52 AM
Troy, thanks for posting the pictures! That was definitely a memorable trip!

p51mstg, I'm a paid-on-call, but hope to become a career firefighter. How about you?
Sonicx, exhaust is next on my to-do list. Thanks for the recommendation.

No problem...That black Mustang with the side exhaust that was ahead of you was funny...That dude was in the gas the whole trip..lol..

01-02-2011, 11:48 AM
Welcome my friend im glad you finaly joined the club. Everybody is nice and easy to get along with. They also know a few things about their cars so if you have any questions on anything just ask and their is atleast 1 person that knows what you need or are talkting about. I will see you at the meeting in a few short weeks and am looking forward to going on some cruises this summer with you and the vistavert:headbang:

01-02-2011, 04:12 PM
Well the definition of spammy is, "Having the qualities/likeness of spam." I don't see how recommending someone to a good website which has great deals is "spammy". You have a scewed definition of what the word means. Im just trying to help a fellow member save some cash because there's some great deals on the website. I am recieving nothing for doing so either.

:errr: chill dude, maybe i need to add "just kidding" to my post instead of LOL. it just looked like something i would recieve in my email.

01-02-2011, 05:38 PM
Troy, yeah the black Mustang enjoyed using his accelerator. Were you at the bar when someone almost lost control of their vehicle while doing a burnout, almost hit some people and their cars? That's when I decided it was a good time to leave.

Mitch, thanks for recommending that I join! Looking forward to seeing the new car!

01-02-2011, 06:18 PM
Troy, yeah the black Mustang enjoyed using his accelerator. Were you at the bar when someone almost lost control of their vehicle while doing a burnout, almost hit some people and their cars? That's when I decided it was a good time to leave.

Mitch, thanks for recommending that I join! Looking forward to seeing the new car!

I saw some guy that was spinning around in the grass and almost hit some cars..Is that what you are talking about or was there another incident also?Yeah,I don't think i would have wanted to be parked on the side of the road when they were doing burnouts..

01-02-2011, 08:08 PM
:errr: chill dude, maybe i need to add "just kidding" to my post instead of LOL. it just looked like something i would recieve in my email.

Im chill... got the Kool-Aid on freeze even my friend :D it was all good b4 & still is: Tis the internet, things gets interpreted differently.

01-02-2011, 10:03 PM
Troy, that could have been the same guy. He fish-tailed, gain traction, and then over-corrected. Then he came back and did another burnout. I guess some people never learn or grow-up...

01-03-2011, 02:15 PM
Jim, before the mod bug hits you too much look into buying gears + a handheld tuner along with that. Really gives your car pep (out from the line) and will be one of the best mod investments. One that will put a smile on everytime you accelerate:D

01-03-2011, 03:24 PM
we should set up a day in the spring for a few of us to hit up APS maybe we can get a deal on all of us getting tuned at the same day...