Bugs and Issues with New Forum - Page 10
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Thread: Bugs and Issues with New Forum

  1. #91
    Sports Mom LadyCobra's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    Rockford, MN
    They all have the same sort order because there are so many smilies but I will see what I can do one of these days.
    HELLFYR's Woman | 04 Cobra | 09 Flex | 11 Escape

  2. #92
    Registered Users HMMRDWN's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    Anoka, MN
    HI, two things I noticed today...

    First, I was logged in and then interrupted for a short time by a co-worker (go figure- have to work while at work!) and the website timed out on me and logged me out. I only noticed this because I was in a thread viewing. When my coworker left, I went to view the albums, but it said I had to be logged in to view the albums. Here are my questions:

    1. What is the "inactivity" time out period set to on the site?
    2. Shouldn't albums be visible to all - even those that aren't logged in?

    Thanks for checking into this. Marie

  3. #93
    Sports Mom LadyCobra's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    Rockford, MN
    The "inactivity" time is set to 15 minutes. Meaning that if you sit on one page and do not do anything for 15 minutes, it will log you out of the site, even if "Remember Me" is checked.

    As for the Albums, yes they are set for EVERYONE to see them. Only paid members can actually upload pictures to the albums. I double checked and the setting is set for all usergroups to view the albums.
    HELLFYR's Woman | 04 Cobra | 09 Flex | 11 Escape

  4. #94
    Sports Mom LadyCobra's Avatar
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    Rockford, MN
    Another thought on the Album, make sure when you have it setup that it is set to Public.
    Public means EVERYONE can view it. If set to Private, only registered/current paid members will be able to view it.
    HELLFYR's Woman | 04 Cobra | 09 Flex | 11 Escape

  5. #95
    Registered Users HMMRDWN's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    Anoka, MN
    Thanks Jen, I was thinking about that and decided to test it. I still can not access the albums to open them if I'm not logged in. I'm unable to view any of the three albums, posted. I checked mine and it is set to public, which I'm sure the other two are as well. I have screen shots as examples but am unable to attach them. Can you send me an email address where I can send you the samples? Marie

  6. #96
    Sports Mom LadyCobra's Avatar
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    Mar 2010
    Rockford, MN
    I think I might have figured out the issue. Testing myself seems to have fixed the issue. Let me know if it still persists for you.
    HELLFYR's Woman | 04 Cobra | 09 Flex | 11 Escape


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